We build, invest and grow connected portfolios in consumer businesses developed and delivered through a combined, core technology platform
We invest in innovative technology solutions that will enable businesses and individuals globally to get ready to benefit from the future of technology
We combine innovation & scalability in our product development
Blockchain, NFT
We support development of scalable, futuristic Blockchain and NFT platforms in VCommerce, Fashion, education, and media & entertainment domains
We help businesses to automate/upgrade business processes, and execute digital transformation with low cost, easy to implement solutions
Nirji (निर्जि).
1) To conquer, defeat
2) To win, acquire by conquest
3) To vanquish in a play
4) To surpass, excel
We use technology, expert advise, research and investment to build solutions that enables businesses and individuals to keep pace with the rapidly evolving world of technology.
With over 30+ years of experience in our management team, 25+ years of experience in technology team and 18+ years of experience in advisory team, we are well equipped to build & launch amazing products.
If you want to join us in any capacity, please visit here: